SC2 Campaign Review

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Starcraft 2 Secret Mission part 1

Spoiler alert! If you do not wish to spoil your experience of the Starcraft 2 campaign, then read no further.
In the Secret Mission in Starcraft 2, it is revealed that Mengsk had a top secret science lab conducting very dangerous experiments in a far off corner of the Galaxy. The mission is called Piercing the Shroud. You control Raynor and a small group of Marines and Medics
In order to get access to the Secret Mission in Starcraft 2 you have to start a new campaign. Simply going through the archives to replay a mission won’t work if you’ve already begun your assault on Char. Remember the warning sign that came up and said once you begin your assault on Char there’s no going back? Well they mean it as far as the secret mission is concerned.
I suggest you play the missions on casual so they go faster and easier if you’re just trying to get to the secret mission, or you could try to pick up the achievements you missed on the way, but you’ll need to get to the Media Blitz mission. That’s the one where there’s a parade on Korhal for the fabulous Odin war machine and Tychus starts blowing the place up. Alternatively, if you have a saved game before the invasion of char, you can load it and start from there.
In this mission, there is a Science Facility in the bottom right corner of the map. It’s colored red like the rest of the Dominion forces, but when you mouse over it the building will appear neutral and the tooltip will actually say “Korhal Citizens” on it. When you kill this building “Secret Documents” will drop, and you’ll have to move a unit over it to collect it just like you were collecting Protoss or Zerg research items.
Then, when you finish the Media Blitz mission, your mission selection screen will have a new planet on it called Castanar. It will also say “Secret Mission” on it so you’re not confused.
After the cutscene you will be able to take Raynor and a crack team of Marines and medics to the orbital platform to investigate just what’s going on in that secret lab. As you already know, secret labs are never doing anything good.

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