With the coming of Starcraft 2 people are flocking back into what is, in my opinion, the best RTSG (real time strategy game) ever. as a matter of fact, it's kind of like it has no close second place in the category. And even though Starcraft 2 is technically a sequel, and sequels tend to be not as good as the original, that just ain't the case with SC2. It's a fantastic game all around, and perhaps the most welcome set of changes came with the Terran race. They got stronger, they got more versatile, they got awesome. here's a little overview of Starcraft 2 Terran gameplay.
Of course, there is way too much to go into when it comes to any one race, or even any one aspect of playing a game as complex as Starcraft 2 to deal with in a little bitty online article. But we can give you a good overview of what to expect and some of the nifty tricks the pro players are using right out of the box.
The first thing you will need to know is that the terran race is the most versatile in the game. So many of the units can do several different things, but that also leads to its own set of problems when it comes to playing the Terran race effectively. Being versatile means that you're not specialized. Which means that at times you may have to make far more choices about what kind of units you want to use and how you want to use them. that also means that you have more ways of defeating your opponent of another race. It also makes for fantastic mirror matches (terran vs. terran).
So you're going to have to be able to do two things in order to pwn face with the terran. The first thing is that you're going to have to learn how to play very efficiently and with a good set of tactical goals in mind. Since you have a lot of options for how to achieve those goals, that means you'll need to master a number of them. The second thing is that Terran need to be micromanaged a lot. You can't just mass a single unit and have them plow through everything in their path. You have to be able to control a lot of smaller control groups on the micro level, and that takes practice. All of this means that the terran are really easy to learn and really easy to win with, but they are also hard to master. In part 2 we'll go into more specifics about starcraft 2 terran gameplay strategies and tactics.
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