Is the SC2 campaign the greatest single player RTS campaign ever created? Yes. Now that that's out of the way, I'm going to tell you what Blizzard could (and should) have done better.
Where are the Open, old-school style missions?
Every single mission in the campaign has some little gimmick it's using to make it different. Trains with possible adjutants aboard, angry Protoss probes closing off gas veins, and crystals that create large death fields only Battlecruisers can handle.
What happened to the standard, here's your base, here's the enemy's base now go fight missions? The ones without that annoying (so friggin annoying) dwarf man giving you the exact unit that will preform best in every single mission right when you need it?
While this is a mainstay of the RTS genre (generally you are denied the upper end of the tech tree until you've beaten missions with only the lower end on a gradually increasing difficulty curve) you get the exact unit you need to win that mission. Example, for "Outbreak" what works best is a crapload of Hellions. The only use in the game I found for Diamondbacks was for stopping Dominion trains, and Wraiths? Ok I guess, but only used on the "Wraith" mission.
This system makes the brilliant and depth-increasing upgrade system seem arbitrary. Why bother upgrading units when you get the unit you're supposed to use on the mission it works best on? Where is the choice in that?
For experienced players who say "fie on you dwarf man I'm making marines because I want to, screw your Siege Tanks" there is plenty of experimentation with strategy, but the game almost discourages it by saying "Here's the exact unit you need to beat this mission, make a million of them and you will win."
The lack of open missions make the campaign seem shorter than it is. The only time you may feel like you need upgrades for your units is the last few missions on Char. After an entire campaign of honing strategy, you only get to really use it on one mission.
I think one way to solve this would be to allow for a "campaign custom game" or something of the sort. I want to play a 1v1 (or 1v2, 1v3+) vs an Insane computer with all my units/upgrades/research available. That would be fun.
I agree, the missions often introduce units I never used again (Diamondbacks, Hellions, Vultures, Wraiths...) but don't hate on the dwarf man! And there were still plenty of other upgrades that I couldn't afford all the ones I wanted. But you raise a very interesting point in a "campaign custom game". Blizzard, are you listening?!?