SC2 Campaign Review

Friday, August 20, 2010

Starcraft Zerg

My yard has an infestation of spiders. I mean they are everywhere. Park your car for a few hours and there will be three full webs tying it to the ground everywhere. Once I played Starcraft 2 (it's been a long time since the original I played a bit) the zerg kind of remind me of those spiders in the yard. Persistent, amazingly fast and everywhere. Starcraft zerg is an infestation of the map. You overwhelm your opponent with speed and numbers. You swarm and spread almost inevitably. You surround and tear them apart with claws and teeth and goo and poo. Just like those spiders you harass your enemy at every expansion and choke point - you just get everywhere.

In SC2 the zerg have the ability to do something that no other race can do - and that's switch tech very quickly. Which brings even more speed to your builds. You can counter what the other side is doing more rapidly than terran, and certainly faster than the protoss. It's also cheap as far as resources are concerned. You can be sneaky and slimy and make sure your opponent never gets the upper hand.

The zerg also make a lot of use of what can best be described as pooping all over the place. It's pretty nasty, really, but just like a bug. Those spiders leave long sticky threads  all over the yard, apparently most of them at mouth level. Zerg bases rely on the creep, that purple goo on the ground that has to be there in order to build a building. Zerg forces move faster on the creep as well, and you can expand your creep with buildings and the Creep Tumor ability of the Queen. But Overlords can also hover around pooping creep all over the map. By using overlords and creep tumors you can build what is often called a creep highway - a long band of purple poo all over the map to increase the speed of your troops as well as extended vision. Creep tumors require detection to see, but give you the ability to see what's on your creep highway.

While the zerg spent some time at the top of the food chain in the original starcraft, zerg in starcraft 2 are more balanced to the other races than ever before. You're going to have to work at it to win against other races, and against other zerg it can turn into a long match a lot of the time. That balance makes the game a lot of fun, since everyone doesn't just play one race, but the zerg are still lightening fast. You can churn out zerglings and other units and start harassing within a few moments of the start of the match and then keep the pressure up all the way through.

It feels like fighting off the spiders in my yard. You can't find them all, and even if your could they seem to breed by the hundreds. next thing you know there is creep all over the place and hidden enemies to pop out and poop on you no matter where you turn. They are nice and gross too. They explode goo, rain poo and are generally disgusting in every way. If that's your cup of tea, the sick and macabre, the zerg will be a lot of fun to play. If you're more like me, it's kind of nice to beat off an infestation of bugs in less than thirty minutes. Now if only I could get a mech suit for the front yard.

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